Selected Poetry & Prose
"Poem with No Coyote in It," forthcoming, Cider Press Review, December 2024.
"Aubade with Yellow-Crowned Night Heron," forthcoming, Salamander, Spring/Summer 2024.
"Want," SWWIM Every Day, January 12, 2024.
"The Orange Blues," "Green Quills," and "Black Bears," Cutleaf 12/28/23.
"On Language," Whale Road Review, Issue 32, Fall 2023.
"Hooded Merganser" and "This Once," The National Poetry Journal, Issue 20, 2022.
In Which Something Inside Wanders Through the Garden in the Almost Dark," Ran Off With the Star Bassoon, 2nd Session, 2022.
"My Dead," Verse Daily, October 31, 2021
"Spear Experiment" and "On Being Descended from Fish," Kestrel, Summer 2021.
"Lost," Cider Press Review, Volume 23, Issue 4, 2021.
"After," Relish, the Guesthouse Blog, September 2, 2021.
"Tomato Warnings and Other Things I'm Grateful For," Spillway, Summer 2021.
"To the Robin Bashing Its Breast Against the Sunroom Window." The Night Heron Barks, Spring 2021.
"Stone Curls," "God Thinks of Everything," "Night Clothes," and "Disappearing Arrow," Cutleaf, April 2021.
A Few Notes on Marble" and "Sandstone and Slate," The Citron Review, Fall 2020.
"Two Dream Weddings Featuring Personal Protective Equipment and New Pantone Colors," 2 Horatio Vol. 3, Special Issue: Poetry of the Pandemic, Spring/Fall 2020.
"Knees," and "Poem with Too Much Rope in It," Aquifer: The Florida Review online.
"After" (nominated for Pushcart Prize) and "Lines Written on a Loon's Skull," Tar River Poetry, Volume. 60, No. 1, Fall 2020.
"Walking Woman," The National Poetry Review.
[We Can't] Save Everything," RHINO Poetry, RHINO 2020.
"Under the Apple Tree," Heron Tree, Volume 7, January 26, 2020.
"Old Burying Ground, Brewster, MA," The Coachella Review, Winter 2019.
"Ocean," DIALOGIST , Week 51, December 21, 2019.
"Emerge" and "Poems I Probably Won't Write About My Stepfather," Crab Creek Review 2019 Volume1. "Poems I Probably Won't Write About My Stepfather", featured poem, 12/2/2019, Crab Creek Review blog.
"My Dead" and "This poem has a highway in it," Sugar House Review, Volume 10, Issue 2, Fall/Winter 2018.
"To the Dead Striped Bass Swimming in Sunset," Cider Press Review, Volume 21, Issue 1, 2019.
"Leave It" and "The way astronomers discover an invisible body," Peauxdunque Review Issue 1.
"Cleaning the Night Basement," Rogue Agent Journal, Issue 42, September 2018 (Best of the Net Anthology nominee).
"Ancient Ocean," CALYX Journal, Volume 30 Number 2, Winter/Spring 2018.
"The Mother Omission," 2 Horatio Vol. 2 , Chapbook, October 2017. Nominated for Pushcart Prize 2020 by
Seven Kitchens Press from chapbook The Strangers Burial Ground (2020).
I Like How the Living & the Dead Entwine," Gulf Stream.
“The Parable of Baby Doc & the Green Crab,” Green Mountains Review, July 12, 2017.
“Thirsty Birds,” Green Mountains Review, July 12, 2017.
"Poetry Is Stolen Fruit," Riddled with Arrows.
“How to Convince Your Mother to Give Up the Farm,” Harpur Palate, Volume 16, No. 1, Summer &
Fall, 2016.
“Blizzard Aubade,” Sycamore Review, 2016.
“Unknowns,” Hayden’s Ferry Review, Volume 58, Spring 2016.
“Silversides,” Poet Lore, Volume 111 No. ½, Spring/Summer 2016.
“Because the Pear Tree,” The Jabberwock Review, Volume 36.2, Winter 2016.
“Thief,” The Jabberwock Review, Volume 36.2, Winter 2016. Nominated for Pushcart Prize.
“Dumped in Swampy Ground, Axles Up,” Raleigh Review, Volume 6, No. 1, Spring 2016.
“Municipal Ramble No. 2: Looking Out Over Columbus Circle,” Blast Furnace, Volume 5 Issue 3.
”California Dream,” The MacGuffin, Summer 2015, Volume XXXI No. 3.
“Due Date,” The MacGuffin, Summer 2015, Volume XXXI No. 3.
“On Seeing,” Cider Press Review, Volume 17, Issue 3, 2015.
Interview, Crab Creek Review, March 2021.
Book Review, The Carrying, by Ada Limon, October 2018.
Book Review, Jackknife: New and Selected Poems, by Jan Beatty, Pittsburgh Poetry Review, Issue 6, 2017.
"Letters to My Daughter,” Gravel, April 2015.
Interview of Poet Elaine Sexton, Drafthorse, Summer 2015.
Books & Chapbooks
Thief, (Grayson Books 2021), winner of the 2020 Grayson Poetry Prize. Available on Amazon and elsewhere.
2 Horatio Vol. 3, Special Issue: Poetry of the Pandemic, co-editor with Joan Cappello and Elaine Sexton,
Summer/Fall 2020.
The Strangers Burial Ground chapbook, Seven Kitchens Press, May 2020. For a review by Risa Denenberg, of The Poetry Cafe, click here.
2 Horatio Vol. 2, Chapbook, co-editor with Elaine Sexton, October 2017.
A Fox Appears: a biography of a boy in haiku, 2015 (winner of best in category, poetry, for design at the 59th Annual New England Book Show). Available on Amazon.
"Ever attuned to the inherent power of simplicity and a deep regard for the natural world, the haiku poems in Jennifer Stewart Miller's A FOX APPEARS are like the wingbeats of an angel slowed down in language that give portrait to the seasonal turns of a young boy's life. This masterful suite of poems is more than a collection of reminiscences; it's a philosophy of perception and beauty." -MAJOR JACKSON